
2018 03-13 发布      标签: 公益

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Background information of The Passing Hope Project

传球计划由宁波诺丁汉大学学生冯周聪于2017 年8月份创始,是学生自发组织的新形式公益支教项目,致力于在困难地区建立一座座足球场。

The Passing Hope Project was initiated by Zhoucong Feng, a student from University of Nottingham Ningbo China in August 2017. It is a new form of public welfare project organized by students and is dedicated to establishing a football field in impoverished areas.


This project has broken most of the traditional “pass-through teaching” so that when the volunteers leave, the local people can still feel the tenderness of public welfare. At the same time, the project responded to President Xi Jinping’s call to “Strengthen Sports Power—Football Dreams Lead to Chinese Dreams” and united with a class of famous universities across the country to promote non-commercial exchanges between colleges and universities while making commonweals, and eventually resulted in a certain pass planning. Social effects create a visual platform for children in poor areas, so that the community can pay attention to them and thus provide more help.


传球计划自2017年发起以来,已经建立了三个足球场,分别是《变形计》主人公马建降所在的贵州省六盘水市果布嘎乡高石小学, 以及山西省垣曲县的堤沟小学和毛家小学。

Since the launch of the Passing Hope in 2017, three football fields have been established. They are Gaoshi Primary School in Guobuga Township, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province, and the Digou and Maojia Primary School in Yuanqu County, Shanxi Province.


We hope to pass the football to all parts of the country because every dream is worthy of respect, no matter how humble or how small it is.


 #传球计划2017#  The Passing Hope Project 2017


In 2017, in order to help impoverished children living in the remote area to achieve a dream of football, the Passing Hope was born.


At the beginning of June, the first group of volunteers walked into the hometown of Ma Jianjiang, Gobuga Township, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province. The volunteers not only saw the children’s love to sports activities such as football, but also felt the children’s desire for knowledge.


In mid-August, the Passing Hope was formally launched. Carrying donations raised by public, the first group of 18 volunteers stepped into Guobuga Township again to carry out football education activities and establish the first football field. Meanwhile, they spent seven days on keeping the kids accompany and getting to know more about their life.  As this football field is located on the edge of a high-altitude cliff, the volunteers named it ‘Cloud Football Field’. When the news released, the story of the kids living in poverty instantly caught the eye of public and the views on media platform was over 2 million.


#传球计划2018# The Passing Hope Project 2018


Although the Passing Hope Project performed well in 2017, the volunteers always keeping to their original aspiration. At the end of December 2017, the volunteers went to Yuanqu County, Shanxi Province.


Yuanqu County is a provincial-level poverty county. It does not only lack of qualified teachers, but is also relatively weak in the school's facilities. With the guidance of the Yuanqu Education Bureau, the volunteers from UNNC visited several schools in Yuanqu County, and finally decided the Passing Hope Project during the winter break be conducted at Digou Primary School and Maojia Primary School.



Before the Spring Festival in 2018, 31 UNNC volunteers arrived in Yuanqu County and began to use funds raised to collect materials for the construction of the football fields for the two schools. In addition to the teaching materials and baggage, they also brought nearly a ton of artificial turf to build 7*7 standard green football fields for both schools, and conducted a one-week football training program.


As the second stop of the Passing Hope Project, the volunteers of UNNC think that not only should children in impoverished areas be provided with a football field that can run freely, but more importantly, they hope to establish self-confidence and unity for the children through the sport of football. Collaborating to help children rebuild their relationship with people and lead children to embrace a whole new world.



In 2018, the goal of the Passing Hope is to build 20 football fields for schools in impoverished areas.


Starting from a blank sheet of paper, the road ahead is endless.


One day, we can create a world where everyone has a sense of mission.


One day, you and I will eventually form the power of change.



  • 已 募 集

    97,410.13 元
  • 支持人数

  • 目标金额

    500,000.00元 完成:19%
  • 受助对象

  • 项目地点

  • 执行中





电   话:057488181294

QQ /邮箱:wendy.ren@nottingham.edu.cn



地  址:宁波市鄞州区泰康西路399号(宁波·善园)
0574-87412436 (宁波团队)
0571-87165191 (杭州团队)

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